Monday, December 13, 2010

I'll get up a picture with the actual photo.

I didn't pick up any posters, and was not thinking at all. Hopefully this will do for now but ill get up a real one soon!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


cheek cells

My first two concentration pieces!! I've been asking everyone in my family for advice and haven't gotten anything useful.  Maybe you guys could give me some advice? I like the simplicity of them and do not want to over work the pieces, but I also want them to look "finished". I'm struggling especially with the top one and its composition.  I feel like it needs something else, but I just can't figure out what it needs and where it needs it.  

Sunday, November 7, 2010
I was on stumble upon this weekend and found this awesome piece.  Its called Ono Oh No by Daniel Cannuli.  I absolutely love the simplicity of the pen and watercolor.  It is so simple yet so cool looking.  I want to do at least one of my concentrations in something like this.  so cool. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Some pics from this past wednesday!~
Let me know what you guys think.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Im not really sure what to post on this, but Mrs. McBride said to talk about my summer.  The only thing I really did this summer besides work is go to Hawaii wit hthe fam.  I was there for two weeks and stayed with my grandparents.  There were family functions ever night which made the whole trip really hectic and more stressful than relaxing.  I did do a lot of sketchbook stuff there though.  The landscape was really pretty to draw there, especially the beach.  So basically thats the only exciting thing i did this summer haha.  see ya!